The IT infrastructure in MIDS has the state-of-the-art computing facilities with latest hardware, software and supporting equipments. The computer center in MIDS is managed and supported by the Systems Analyst. The center is involved in planning and implementing the required IT needs to its faculty, library, office, accounts, publications, students and research projects
The Network segment contains one cisco 1700 series router and RAM ASMi52 modem for Internet Connection. MIDS has configured a structured Ethernet based Local Area Network (LAN) catering to about 100 users in the Institute with the required network accessories.
Web and Mail Server
A linux based web server and mail server is configured in the Institute and is hosted in the campus. The Institute has configured 512 kbps [1:1] leased line connectivity from VSNL for providing round the clock Internet facility to its members.Z
Library INformation System
Linux based library automation server is configured in the computer centre. LIBSYS software is used for Library Automation.
Other Services
- PCs have been provided to faculty, administration, accounts, library and publications sections and research scholars.
- Round the clock Internet access to the faculty members, students and other members of the Institute.
- E-mail services for faculty, students and non academic section heads with web based and POP3 access.
- Network printing facility for the members of the Institute.
- Online access to Journals [JSTOR and foreign journals subscribed by the library] and database [Indiastat.com] via the Institute's public gateway.