MIDS Doctoral Programme
The Ph.D. programme has been an integral part of the academic activities of the Institute. The Institute has a full-time Ph.D. programme for students as well as teaching scholars. Given the academic focus, freedom, and flexibility for working in broad areas of development and social sciences, the Institute has won recognition for maintaining quality, rigour, and originality in scholarly works published in various forms. The ICSSR Institutional Doctoral Fellowships have been the major source of financial support for most of the scholars admitted to the programme. Due to the change in the tenure of ICSSR fellowship, from three to two years and the withdrawal of institutional doctoral scholarships, the institute faces challenges in supporting research scholars. The Elizabeth Adiseshiah Fellowship offered by the Malcolm & Elizabeth Adiseshiah (M&EA) Trust provides support for two scholars at any point in time. Given the limited financial support available, the institute will give preference to scholars with UGC Junior Research Fellowships or financial support from other agencies to enroll in its full-time Ph.D. programme.
University Affiliation and Guidelines
MIDS is a recognised research institute affiliated with the University of Madras; candidates admitted to MIDS should follow the Ph.D. guidelines set by the University Grants Commission(UGC Ph.D. Regulations 2016) and the University of Madras> Research Regulations 2021. Along with these regulations, MIDS also follows specific rules to strengthen the Ph.D. programme at the Institute. While offering Ph.D. admission, the Institute will take a signed undertaking from the student to abide by the rules and regulations set for the MIDS doctoral programme.
Admission to the Ph.D. programme at the University of Madras can be made two times a year-i.e., in January and July. The admission portal shall remain open for a specified period as notified by the University (June 1-30 and December 1-31).
The Institute may set additional rules to ensure quality and transparency in the process of admission. The Institute reserves the right to update the guidelines for shortlisting the applications, evaluating the research proposal, written test, interview, and final selection of the candidates.
Full-Time Ph.D. Programme: Scholarships
Given the limited financial support available, the Institute encourages candidates who have been awarded fellowships from the UGC or any other funding agencies for a minimum period of three years to apply to the full-time Ph.D. programme. In the absence of any such fellowships, a candidate may consider applying for other scholarships available from various funding agencies and follow the guidelines and requirements set by them.
ICSSR Doctoral Fellowship
ICSSR is providing Doctoral Fellowships under its three 'Centrally-Administered Doctoral Fellowship Schemes' and 'Institutional Doctoral Fellowship Scheme' in accordance with the prescribed guidelines. In the case of Centrally-Administered schemes, the fellowships are awarded and monitored directly by ICSSR and the concerned doctoral fellows are affiliated with a university or college. Under the Institutional Fellowship Scheme, the doctoral fellows are affiliated with and monitored by an ICSSR sponsored / recognized research institute. At present, ICSSR provides Rs. 20,000 monthly fellowship for two-year period and annual contingency of Rs. 20,000 for the selected candidates.
The guidelines, eligibility, procedure of application and selection, duration, and other guidelines are available on the ICSSR website.
Candidates may note that applications for the ICSSR Doctoral Fellowships can be made only after the candidates (a) take admission in MIDS, (b) get admission and confirmed registration in the University of Madras, and (c) get the approval of the candidate's Doctoral Committee by the university. Fellowships may be granted by ICSSR as per conditions stipulated by ICSSR from time to time. Such decisions solely rest with ICSSR and that may include rejection as well. (Click here to see more about ICSSR Doctoral fellowships)
The Elizabeth Adiseshiah Ph.D. Fellowship:
The Malcolm & Elizabeth Adiseshiah Trust provides financial support for scholars who joined institute's PhD programme. The institute nominate the candidate for M&EA fellowship. Broadly, value of the fellowship/contingency grant and duration of the fellowship will be at par with ICSSR doctoral fellowship
Part-Time Ph.D.
MIDS also admits part-time Ph.D. scholars and follows the guidelines of the University of Madras. Apart from meeting the essential requirements for Ph.D. admission, part-time Ph.D. scholars are expected to meet additional criteria set by the University of Madras on the candidate's professional background, attendance, duration of the programme, etc. Candidates are advised to follow the university website for the latest updates and existing rules and regulations for part-time Ph.D. before applying. In academic matters, MIDS does not distinguish between full-time and part-time students.
Ph.D. Course Work
The MIDS Ph.D. programme is subject to the rules and regulations of the University of Madras. While MIDS will extend all possible support, the scholars and respective supervisors must take the responsibility of meeting various requirements of the university concerning the Ph.D. programme. Students admitted to the MIDS Ph.D. programme should complete the coursework and mandatory credit requirements for their registration with the University of Madras.
Hostel/Accomodation Facility
Scholars may note that there is no hostel facility available on the MIDS campus and the Institute does not take responsibility for arranging accommodation for the Ph.D. students. Scholars are expected to make boarding arrangements of their own for the entire duration of the Ph.D. programme.
For any queries, please contact:
The Director,
Madras Institute of Development Studies
79, Second Main Road, Gandhinagar, Adyar, Chennai 600 020, Tamil Nadu, India.
E-mail: director@mids.ac.in