K Jafar
Assistant Professor
Madras Institute of Development Studies 79, II Main Road, Gandhinagar, Adyar, Chennai 600020Telephone: 0091-44-24412589 24411574 24420204 24419771; Extn: 305; Fax: +91 - 44 - 24910872
E-mail: jafar@mids.ac.in / jafkizha@gmail.com
Web: http://www.mids.ac.in/jafar/
- Post-Doctoral Research (2014-2016): Council for Social Development, Hyderabad (ICSSR Post-Doctoral Fellowship). Project title: ‘The Impact of Regional Diversity, Remittances, and Culture on Local Finance: A Study of Malappuram District, Kerala’.
- Certificate Course (2014-15): 'Intellectual Property Rights and Information Technology in the Internet Age' Indian Law Institute, New Delhi
- Doctoral Research (2007-2014): RBI Programme on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Economic Issues, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore (University of Manipal). Thesis Title: ‘The Impact of Education-Led Growth on Human Development: A Case-Study of Malappuram District, Kerala’
- M.A. Economics (2004-2006): Dr. John Matthai Centre, Thrissur (University of Calicut, Kerala). Thesis Title: ‘The Implications of Patent Act on Essential Medicines’
Work Experience
- Assistant Professor: Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai (December 2017- )
- Assistant Professor: School of Livelihoods and Development, Tata Institute of Social Science, Hyderabad (June - December 2017)
- Assistant Professor: Council for Social Development, Hyderabad (February - May 2017)
- Post-Doctoral Fellow: Council for Social Development, Southern Regional Centre, Hyderabad (June 2014-November 2016)
- Research Associate (Teaching Assistant): University Research Centre, Azim Premji University, Bangalore, Karnataka (August 2013-May 2014)
- Research Associate: School of Social Sciences, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore (January - July 2013)
- Research Assistant: Planning Commission research unit, Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum, Kerala, (January- July 2007)
Area of Research
- Education and development;
- Migration,
- Financial inclusion,
- Local planning,
- Informality,
- Intellectual property rights
- Gender
Fellowships / Awards
- Publication Grant- Indian Council for Social Science Research, New Delhi (2016): ‘Education, Migration and Human Development: Kerala Experience’ published through Rawat Publications, Jaipur 2018
- Post-Doctoral Fellowship: Indian Council for Social Science Research, New Delhi (2014-2016), pursued at CSD Hyderabad
- Exeter University Presidential Scholarship Grant- International Exeter, University of Exeter, UK (July 2010)
- Institutional Doctoral Fellowship- National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore (RBI Programme on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Economic Issues August 2007-July 2012)
Guest Lectureships / Visiting Fellowships
- Visiting Faculty: School of Public Policy and Governance, Tata Institute of Social Science, Hyderabad (December 2016-April 2017)
- Summer School Fellow: International Exeter, University of Exeter, United Kingdom, July 3-23, 2010
- Research and Publication Ethics: Involved in coordination and teaching 2 credit course designed by UGC for PhD scholars at MIDS Chennai
- 'Indian Economic Development’ and ‘Institutional Economics' courses offered in MA programme at Madras School of Economics, Chennai (Gest faculty).
- Jafar, K. (2018). 'Education, Migration and Human Development: Kerala Experience', Rawat Publications, Jaipur 2018.
Journal Papers
- Jafar, K. (2023). "Migration-Led Development in Kerala: Looking Beyond Growth and Remittances."Artha Vijnana, 65(2): 153-170.
- Radhakrishnan, A. & Jafar, K (2023). "Shock Responsive Social Protection in a Decentralised Governance Framework: Lessons from Kerala's Experience in the Post-Disaster Context." Social Glance: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 12 (Jan-Dec 2023): 1-23
- Jafar, K., Ananthpur, K., & Venkatachalam, L. (2023). "Digital divide and access to online education: new evidence from Tamil Nadu, India". Journal of Social and Economic Development, (Online-first).
- Jafar, K. (2022). "Pandemic and Gender: A Review of the Differential Impact of Covid-19 on Girls and Women". Acta Scientific Women's Health Vol. 4, No. 2 (Page: 11-15).
- Jafar, K. (2019). 'The Implications of Disaster on Dynamics of Migration in Kerala', Social Science in Perspective, Vol.10 No.4 & Vol. 11 No.1, (Page: 671-692).
- Jafar, K. & Sajna, P. (2018). "Access to Medicines and Performance of Indian Pharmaceutical Industry: Examining India's Experience in the New Patent Regime". Journal of Health Management, Vol. 20, No. 4, December (Page: 411-426).
- Kannabiran, K., Mishra, S.K., Vinayan, S., & Jafar, K. (2018).'Education and its Discontents: Investigating Barriers to Schooling among Denotified and Nomadic Communities'. Journal of Social Inclusion Studies, July (Page: 80-103)
- Jafar, K. (2016). “Pattern of Public Expenditure and Social Development: Implications on Education-Led Development in Kerala, India”, AIJESS, March, (Page:18-27).
- Jafar, K. (2015). “Status of Muslim Women in Kerala: A Study of Female Age at Marriage in Malappuram District”. Hyderabad Social Development Papers, Vol. 3, No. 1-3, December (Page:23-45).
- Jafar, K. (2015). “Women's Social Opportunity in Kerala: A Case for Looking beyond 'Traditional' Indicators” AIJESS, August (Page:12-24).
- Jafar, K. (2013). "Reservation and Women's Political Freedom: Candidates' Experience from Three Gram Panchayats in Kerala, India". Social Change, Vol. 43, No 1, March (Page: 79-97).
- Pani, N. & Jafar, K. (2010). "Mass Education-Led Growth and Non-Agrarian Villages: Long-term Results of the Kerala Model". Oxford Development Studies, Vol. 38, No. 1, March (Page: 25-42).
Book Chapters
- Jafar, K., Unnimaya, U. G., & Malaiarasan, U. (2024). "Flexibility, Vulnerability, and Inclusiveness in the Gig Economy: A Review of India's Experience in the Context of Informalisation". In A. Vinodan, S. Mahalakshmi & S. Rameshkumar (Eds) 'Informal Economy and Sustainable Development Goals: Ideas, Interventions and Challenges', Emerald (Page: 259-272).
- Bhattacharya, P, & Jafar, K (2024). "Migration and Urban Informal Labour Market: A Study of Labour Addas in the City of Hyderabad." In S.I. Rajan (Ed) India Migration Report 2023. Routledge India (Page 336-355).
- Bhattacharjee, P. & Jafar, K. (2023). “A Study of Informality and Financial Inclusion in Assam's Tea Gardens”. In Sajida P & Hafees V.K. (Eds). “Regional Development: Emerging Issues and Challenges”, (P. 3-35). Nilambur: Malabar Centre for Development Studies & Amal College of Advanced Studies
- Jafar, K. (2023). “Managing the 'Lockdown Generation': A review of Post-Pandemic Challenges for the Youth”. In Sajida P & Hafees V.K. (Eds). “Regional Development: Emerging Issues and Challenges” (P. 78-92). Nilambur: Malabar Centre for Development Studies & Amal College of Advanced Studies
- Jafar, K. (2023). “Mobility in the Margins: Experience of Migration and Development in Kerala, India”. In A. Rahman, S Babu M, Ansari P A (Eds). ‘Indian Migration to the Gulf: Issues, Perspectives and Opportunities’, Routledge India.
- Jafar, K. (2022). “The Implications of Disaster on Dynamics of Migration in Kerala”, in R.K.S. Kumar, P.K. Kumar, & P.S. Nair (Eds). “Ecosystems and Resource Choices: Lessons from the Kerala Floods”, (Page: 247-262). Delhi: Kalpaz Publications.
- Jafar, K. & Kalaiyarasan, A. (2022). “Covid-19 and Migration: The Experience of Tamil Nadu”, in P.G. Babu (Ed.) “Economic Policy in Covid-19 Times” (Page:183-196). Hyderabad: Orient Blackswan.
- Jafar, K. & Kalaiyarasan, A. (2022). “Covid-19 and Migration: The Experience of Tamil Nadu”, in P.G. Babu (Ed.) “Economic Policy in Covid-19 Times” (Tamil) (Page:201-219). Chennai: Madras Institute of Development Studies.
- Jafar, K. (2021). “Impact of Migration on Financial Inclusion and Local Financial System”. In S.I. Rajan (Ed) “India Migration Report 2020: Kerala Model of Migration Surveys”, (Page:407-425). New Delhi: Routledge India
- Jafar, K. (2017). “MGNREGS, SHGs and Women Empowerment: The Dynamic Role of Migration and Culture in Kerala”. In K.P. Kumaran‚ P.K. Nath‚ K. Prabhakar‚ and N. Kalpalatha (Eds) “Flagship Programmes: Impact, Problems and Challenges Ahead” (Page: 153-168). New Delhi: Academic Foundation.
Book Reviews
- 'Tamil Migrants: A Demographic, Social and Economic Analysis' by Rajan, S.I.; D'Sami, B; Raj, S.A.; and Sivakumar, P. Published by Orient BlackSwan 2021. Review appeared in Social Glance: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 11 (Jan-Dec 2022): 98-101.
Policy Papers/Working Paper/Mimeo/ Personal Archives
- Ananthpur, K., Jafar, K., Sridharan, G., & Venkatachalam, L. (2022). Impact of The Covid-19 Waves on Tamil Nadu's Economy and Society. Working paper 241. Chennai: Madras Institute of Development Studies
- Jafar, K. & Kalaiyarasan, A. (2020). “Covid-19 and Migration: The Experience of Tamil Nadu”, Occasional Policy Paper 8, Chennai: Madras Institute of Development Studies
- Pani, N. & Jafar, K. (2008). "Capabilities, Growth and Non-Agrarian Villages: Second Phase of the Kerala Model". National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore.
- Jafar, K. (2014)."A note on Decentralised Planning Initiative: Possible Lessons from the Kerala experience", MPRA Paper 65710
- Jafar, K. (2009). “Social networks and labour market: The experience of Malayalee workers in Bangalore, India”. MPRA Paper 64754
Popular Press/Blogs
- Ananth Pur, K., Venkatachalam, L. & Jafar, K. (2021). 'Tamil Nadu Covid Pulse Survey Finds Economic Recovery Follows Lifting of Lockdowns”. New Indian Express, 25th July
- Jafar, K (2020). “Is Tamil Nadu's Fight Against COVID-19 Becoming More Challenging?”, University Practice Connect, Azim Premji University, Bangalore.
Published Reports
- Ananth Pur, K., Venkatachalam, L. & Jafar, K. (2022). 'Tamil Nadu Household Panel Survey- Pre-Baseline Survey 2018-19-District Reports (32): MIDS Chennai
- Ananth Pur, K., Venkatachalam, L. & Jafar, K. (2022). 'Tamil Nadu Household Panel Survey- Pre-Baseline Survey 2018-19-Report: Summary Report. MIDS Chennai
- “Kerala - Post-Disaster Needs Assessment: Floods and Landslides- August 2018” Joint report prepared by United Nations, ADB, The World Bank and European Union Civil Protection & Humanitarian Aid for Govt. of Kerala October 2018 (Contributed in drafting the chapter on ‘Gender and Social Inclusion’ and field assessment)
- “Socio-Economic Status and Educational Attainment and Challenges of Denotified, Nomadic and Semi-Nomadic Tribes: A study of (a) Western & Northern States - Maharashtra, Goa, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh (b) Southern States - Andhra Pradesh & Telangana, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu & Puducherry”. Council for Social Development, Southern Regional Centre, Hyderabad July 2017. (Joint Work).
- "Mana Vooru Mana Pranalika (Our Village, Our Plan) Telangana: A Rapid Concurrent Survey" August 2014. Jointly written report: Published by Council for Social Development, Hyderabad, October 2014 (Joint Work)
Funded Research
- "Tamil Nadu Household Panel Survey": Ongoing research (initiated by SRC- University of Michigan, MIDS Chennai and Government of Tamil Nadu) (Co-Principal Investigator).
- "A Study of Welfare Schemes Implemented by Government of Puducherry". Supported by Government of Puducherry (2021-22)
- "Tamil Covid Pulse Survey": Round I, II, III and IV reports submitted to Government of Tamil Nadu (2020-2021) (Co-Principal Investigator).
- "Mapping the Vulnerability and Social Protection in Tamil Nadu: An Analysis of E-Mathi Database and Field Study", Supported by UNICEF Chennai 2018-2020.
Other Research Contributions
- ‘Transforming Aspirational Districts- District Action Plans 2018-2022’ for Ramanathapuram and Virudhunagar Districts’ Tamil Nadu, prepared for Tamil Nadu State Planning Commission (2018).
- ‘Social Development Report of Telangana State’, Council for Social Development, Hyderabad (2017)
- ‘Third Party Evaluation of Stay hostels and Residential schools in Telangana’ Council for Social Development, Hyderabad (2016)
- Investigating the Causes for Low Female Age at Marriage and its Relationship to Women’s Status: The Case of Telangana State’. Council for Social Development, Hyderabad (2014-15)
- ‘Housing for the Urban Poor: A Study of Hyderabad City’. Council for Social Development, Hyderabad (2014-15)
- ‘Baseline Study’ and ‘Consolidated Research’ Hyderabad Reports’ of Young Urban Women Programme: Action Aid India- Council for Social Development, Hyderabad (2014-15)
- ‘White Paper on Human Resources and Social Development of Telangana State’. Council for Social Development, Hyderabad (2014)
- ‘District Human Development Report- 2013-14: Bangalore Urban District’ Department of Planning, Government of Karnataka and National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore (2013-14)
- Pilot study on launching private FM radio channels in Kerala: Primary household survey guided by faculties from the department of economics, University of Calicut 2005-06
- Evaluation of various projects implemented under 10th Five-Year Plan by the District Planning Office, Thrissur (2004-05).
Other Engagements
- Associate Editor: Review of Development and Change (MIDS Journal Published by SAGE India)
- Reviewed manuscripts for academic journals: Review of Development Economics, Review of Development & Change, Indian Economic Journal, Asian Journal of Social Sciences, Journal of Social and Economic Development, Journal of Quantitative Economics, Margin-The Journal of Applied Economic Research, International Journal of Educational Research, and Local Development & Society
Research Paper Presentations / Lectures
- “Impact of climate change on vulnerable sections of society”: Lecture Training programme on ‘Climate Change and Forestry’ at Anna Administrative Staff College, Chennai: 08-02-2023
- Impact of the Pandemic on Tamil Nadu’s Economy and Society: Results from a Panel Survey’ in one-day national seminar on ‘Revisiting the Impact of Covid-19: Rebuilding a Resilient Economy and Society’ organised at MIDS Chennai:15th March 2023 [Co-presenter]
- ‘Trajectories of Welfare and Social Policy: Revisiting Key Debates': Invited lecture organised by Organised by St. Aloysius College, Thrissur: 31-01-2023
- ‘Changing Income and Employment Patterns in Tamil Nadu: Results from Household Panel Surveys' in ‘Conference on Indian Economy’, Organised by CDS Thiruvananthapuram: 28-30 November, 2022 [Co-presenter]
- ‘Ethics in Social Science Research and Publishing’: Lecture in ‘Three-Day Online Workshop on Research Methodology’ organised by MIDS, Chennai & MEA Trust, Chennai: 21–23 July 2022
- ‘COVID-19 and Its Mental Health Outcomes in Tamil Nadu – Evidence from a Telephonic Panel Survey’. National conference on ‘Many Facets of Covid-19 Pandemic, organised by Council for Social Development Hyderabad: March 1, 2022 [Co-presenter]
- Responding to the Policy Shocks: A Study of Informality and Financial Inclusion in Assam’s Tea Gardens’. AMALIT 2022: International conference on ‘The New Normal: Crisis Resilience and Re-invention’. Jointly organised by KHEC, KSM, NABARD, IIC, AMU, Academy of Excellence, and Amal College Nilambur: Feb 15-17, 2022 [Co-presenter]
- Understanding Capabilities Approach to Development’: Inter-Disciplinary Refresher Course in Development Economics, History & Philosophy organised by UGC-HRD Centre of Kannur University: September 18, 2021
- Education During the Pandemic: Revisiting Indian Experiences’. National Webinar on ‘Lockdown Impact on Public and Government Relations: Challenges and Best Practices’ organised by National Institute of Disaster Management, Govt. Of India and The Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University: June 28, 2021
- Academic writing and publishing’. National webinar series: From Research to Publication organised by MES Asmabi College, Thrissur: August 2, 2021
- Target with Care: Shock Responsive Social Protection in a Decentralized Governance Framework’: International conference on Resilient Social Protection for an Inclusive Future. Jointly organised by Nepal Planning Commission, Social Science Baha, ILO, UNDP, UNESCAP, GIZ, The World Bank, UNICEF and UK Aid at Kathmandu: September 18-19, 2019 [Co-presenter]
- Critical Reading & Literature Review: Academic Writing Workshop for SCs M.Phil./ Ph.D. Scholars jointly organised by Centre for Dalit and Subaltern Studies, RGNIYD, Sriperumbudur & MIDS Chennai August 26 & 27 2019
- 'Migration and Urban Informal Labour Market: A Study of Labour Addas in the City of Hyderabad, India': Development Convention 2018 on 'India at Seventy: New Development Challenges 'organised at Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore: April 24-25 2018 [with Poulomi Bhattacharya]
- 'The Plantation Economy of Assam: A study on Informality and Financial Inclusion': International Conference on "India after 25 years of Economic Reforms: What's achieved? What's ahead?" organised by School of Economics, Central University of Kerala, Kasaragod: March 1-3, 2018 [with Proma Bhattacharjee]
- 'Informal Economy of Hyderabad': Orientation lecture on Field Survey for MA Development Studies and MA Rural Development and Governance semester-1 students at Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Hyderabad: 26th July 2017
- 'Migration and Development: Reflections from Malappuram' in "Global Expat-Keralites Meet" organized by KSSP Kerala at Kannur: 02-04-2017
- 'Financing Social Development in Telangana State: Prospects and Challenges' in National Seminar on Institutions and Millennial Concerns in Development, held at Department of Economics, Government College, Kasaragod: December 15- 16, 2016
- 'Multi-Disciplinary Approaches to Local Development'- Frontier lecture on "Development Communication" at Department of Mass Communication and Journalism, SAFI Institute of Advanced Study, Vazhayoor, Kerala: August 5, 2016
- 'Application of Digital Resources for Social Science Teaching and Research' in Capacity Building Workshop conducted for college teachers at Vatanapplly Orphanage, Trichur- Kerala: May 4- 5, 2016
- 'Pattern of Public Expenditure: Implications on Kerala's Development Experience' in national seminar on "Planning and Budgeting for 2016 in India: Problems and Prospects", at Amal College of Advanced Studies, Nilambur, Malappuram: March 8-9, 2016
- 'Migration and Process of Human Development: Revisiting Kerala's Experience', in national seminar on 'Development Experience of Kerala: Issues and the Way Forward' at Government College Malappuram, Kerala: February 28-March 1& 2, 2016
- 'New Patent Regime and Indian Pharmaceutical Industry: Revisiting the Public Health Concerns': International conference "The Evolving Regime in Intellectual Property Protection", jointly organised by CESP-JNU, Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) and the Third World Network (TWN) under the umbrella of the Health Economics Association of India (HEAI), at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi: 2-4, November, 2015 [with P. Sajna]
- 'Mass-Education, Migration and Development in Kerala: Alternative Narratives and Concerns': Fourth International Congress on Kerala Studies- Sector-wise Seminar (vii) 'Migration and welfare of NRIs: Organised by AKG Centre for Research and Studies, at Malabar Christian College, Calicut Kerala: 24-05-2015
- 'Women Empowerment and Kerala's Development Achievements: Looking beyond "Traditional" Indicators': ICSSR sponsored national seminar on "Empowerment of Women: In the light of Globalisation in Kerala", at MES Asmabi College, Kodungallur, Kerala: December 17-18 2014
- 'MGNREGS, SHGs and Women Empowerment-The Dynamic Role of Migration and Culture in Kerala': National Seminar on "Flagship Programmes: Impact, Problems and Challenges Ahead", organised by Centre for Planning Monitoring and Evaluation, National Institute of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj, Hyderabad: November 19 - 21, 2014
- 'Sustainability of Urban Water Bodies-A Tale of Two Cities': International Symposium on 'Integrated Water resources management' held on February 19-21, 2014 at Centre for Water Resources Development and Management, Kozhikode Kerala: [with H.S.K. Nathan & L. Hari]
- 'Between Gender and Minority Status: A Study on Muslim Women in Kerala': Panel discussion with author - organised by MAYA, raintree and GAIA on World Women's Day at Changampuzha Hall, Sahitya Academy, Thrissur, Kerala: March 8th 2014
- 'Remittances and Kerala Economy': "Kerala Development Congress" conducted by KSSP Kerala in association with department of economics & department of political science, Maharajas College, at Ernakulam, Kerala: December 25-28, 2013
- 'Education, Occupation and Social Opportunity- Women's Experience in Malappuram, Kerala': National Conference on 'Economic Reforms, Growth and Social Welfare' at Central University of Kerala, Kasaragod, Kerala: 16-18 December, 2013
- 'Survey Insights': Orientation programme for the Field Assistants selected for research project on 'Remote Village Electrification in India through Solar Home Systems- Assessments and Options' at National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore: 18-20 September, 2013
- 'Dynamics of Education in Malappuram, Kerala: The Role of Migration, Regional Diversity and Social Groups': International conference on "Grassroots Social Development" organised by Center for Information and Guidance- India in association with Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, Chennai, and University of Calicut, at Calicut, Kerala: February 4-6, 2013
- 'Sustainability of Urban Water Bodies: A Tale of Two Cities': URBIO 2012 (Urban Biodiversity Conference - 2012) held at Indian Institute of Technology Bombay: 8-12 October 2012 [with H.S.K. Nathan & P.L. Borgohain]
- 'Informal Finance: Possibilities of alternatives': Workshop on 'Contemporary Indian Economy' organised by CONCERN & CCS at Centre for Contemporary Studies, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore: 17th July 2012
- 'Local' Health In-Equity: An Emerging Challenge for 'Global' Leadership?': International Exeter, University of Exeter, United Kingdom: July 23rd 2010 [with Sumanth. S.K & Yashwant. S.C.]
- 'Education, Growth and Human Development in Kerala': Talk at Department of Economics, Dr. John Matthai Centre, University of Calicut: September 15th 2009
- 'Non-Agrarian Village Economies: Second Phase of the Kerala Model': Talk at National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore: February 6, 2008 (with Narendar Pani)
Available on request