A Kalaiyarasan
Assistant Professor
Madras Institute of Development Studies 79, II Main Road, Gandhinagar, Adyar, Chennai 600020Telephone: 0091-44-24412589 24411574 24420204 24419771; Extn: 347; Fax: +91 - 44 - 24910872.
E-mail: kalaijnu@gmail.com / kalaijnu@mids.ac.in
Web: http://www.mids.ac.in/kalaiyarsan/
Ph.D. Economics, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. Year of Award: 2015
Research Interests
Economic Development, Political Economy of Inequality, Institutional Change and Regional Political Economy.
Professional Experience
- Assistant Professor, Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai, From October 2017
Research:- Growth and Distribution in Tamil Nadu: Processes, Interventions and
- Caste inequality and economic processes.
- Assistant Professor, Institute for Studies in Industrial Development, New Delhi, June 2015 - October 2017
Research:- Growth and Distribution: Comparative Analysis of Subnational states in India
- Research Methodology
- Poverty: Concepts and Issues in India
Coordinator: Orientation Programme in Social Science Research for Research Scholars and Teachers, funded by Indian Council of Social Science Research
- Faculty, National Institute of Labour Economics Research and Development, Research Institute under the Planning Commission, Government of India, Sep 2013- June 2015
Research Projects:- Skill Gap Analyses and Monitoring & Evaluation, Supporting Human Capital Development in Meghalaya, commissioned by the Asian Development Bank.
- A study on Employment and Growth Prospects of Labour Intensive Manufacturing Sectors in India (Planning Commission, Govt. of India)
- A Study on Vocational Education and Training Reform in India: Business Needs in India and Lessons to be Learned from Germany
- National Seminar on India Human Development Report 2011: Revisiting policies/programmes for Women and Children, in collaboration with UNICEF
- Issues and Challenges in Skill Development in India, in collaboration with the India International Centre (IIC)
- Consultant, Punjab Governance Reform Commission, Government of Punjab, Aug 2012 - Aug 2013
- Worked on - policies on employment generation, financial inclusion, social protection and intra-regional disparities in Punjab.
- Associate, National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER), New Delhi, Sep 2011 - Feb 2012
- Research on Economic Impact Assessment of Infrastructure Projects in India
Professional Memberships
- 2016 - Young Scholars Initiative, Institute for New Economic Thinking Human Development Capability Association (HDCA
- 2015 - World Economic Association (WEA)
- July 2016, Brown International Advanced Research Institute (BIARI), Brown University, Rhode Island, USA.Participated in a workshop on Governance and Development in the Age Globalization
- June 2012, University Grants Commission (UGC) - National Eligibility Test Government of India
- Kalaiyarasan A., 'Dravidianism and Social Protection' Seminar. August, 2018.
- Jaffrelot C. and Kalaiyarasan A., 'Dominant castes, from bullock capitalists to OBCs? The impact of class differentiation in rural India', in John Echeverri-Gent and Kamal Sadiq, Situated Knowledge in the Study of Social Change and the State, Oxford University Press. (Forthcoming)
- Kalaiyarasan A., 'Female Labour Force Pariticipation and Condition of Work in Telangana, in Telnagana Social Development Report' ed. Kalpana Kannabiran, Council of Social Development, Hyderabad, 2018.
- Kalaiyarasan A., 'Political Economy of Jats' Reservation', Economic and Political Weekly, (Accepted)
- Kalaiyarasan A., 'NEET Could Undo Tamil Nadu's Achievements in Public Health', Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 49 no. 6, September 23, 2017.
- Kalaiyarasan A., 'Populism and party-society: Developmental regimes in Tamil Nadu and West Bengal' Political Economy of Contemporary India' (ed.) R. Nagaraj, Cambridge University Press, 2017
- Kalaiyarasan A., "Politics of Jallikattu", Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 52 no. 6, February 11, 2017
- Kalaiyarasan A., 'Growth and Distribution: Understanding developmental regimes in Indian states, working paper no. 184, Institute for Studies in Industrial Development, New Delhi, 2015.
- Mehrotra S., Kalaiyarasan A., Kumar N., and Raman R., "Vocational training in India and the duality principle: A case for evidence-based reform", Prospects, 45(2), June 2015.
- Kalaiyarasan A. and Satpathy AK. "The Burgeoning Informal Economy: Elements of Strategy towards Formalisation", YOJANA, December 2014, pp.64-69.
- Kalaiyarasan A. and Sood A., "Fiction and Facts", Frontline, April 4, 2014
- Kalaiyarasan A., "A Comparison of Developmental Outcomes in Gujarat and Tamil Nadu", Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 49 no. 15, April 12, 2014
- Kalaiyarasan A. and Bhaskar V., "Caste as Social Capital: The Thiruppur Story", Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 49 no. 10, March 08, 2014.
- Kalaiyarasan A. and Pandian M.S.S., "Tamil Spring?" Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.48 no. 15, April 13, 2013
- Kalaiyarasan A., 'Galloping Growth Stagnant Employment: Mapping Regional and Social Differences' Poverty Amidst Prosperity: Essays on the Trajectory of Development in Gujarat, (ed.) Atul Sood, Aakar Publications, 2012
Newspaper Columns
- Jaffrelot C. and Kalaiyarasan A., The Myth of Appeasement, The Indian Express, April 20, 2018
- Jaffrelot C. and Kalaiyarasan A., The Karnataka Model, The Indian Express, March 8, 2018
- Jaffrelot C. and Kalaiyarasan A., Anxieties of the Dominant, The Indian Express, January, 2018
- Jaffrelot C. and Kalaiyarasan A., Alienation of the Patels, The Indian Express, October 25, 2017
- Jaffrelot C. and Kalaiyarasan A., Quota is the Wrong Answer, The Indian Express, May 3, 2017
- Jaffrelot C. and Kalaiyarasan A., Jats in Wonderlessland, The Indian Express, March 10, 2017
- Kalaiyarasan A., The Budget and higher education, LIVEMINT, March 15, 2016
- Kalaiyarasan A. Why the Tamil Nadu model trumps Gujarat, December 23, 2013, HARDNEWS
- Kalaiyarasan A. Where it works best, July 28, 2013, The Asian Age, July 2013
Selected Presentations
- June 2018, The Fate of Indian Muslims in a paper presented in a conference on 'India After Four Years of Modi Government, Sciences Po, CNRI, Paris, France, 6th June, 2018
- June 2018, Politics of Welfare: Subnational Differences in Social Outcomes in India 'in 'Contrasting Growth and Development in India from National and Subnational Perspectives', CEIAS, Centre for South Asia Studies, CNRI, Paris, France, 6th June, 2018
- March 2018, Quota Protests: A Manifestation of Agrarian Crisis?' a paper presented in Conference on Economic Theory and Policy, Ambedkar University, New Delhi, March 9th - 10th, 2018
- February 2018,'Dominant Castes, From Bullock Capitalists to OBCs? The Impact of Class Differentiation in Rural India', a Paper Presented to the Workshop on Interpretative Approaches to Political Economy:Political Science, India, and the Rudolph Legacy, The University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA, February 2-3rd 2018.
- January 2018, Dravidian Populism: Making of Social Protection in Tamil Nadu, presented in Dravidianism, Nationalism, Federalism: A Critical Assessment of 100 Years of Dravidian Moment at India International Centre, New Delhi, organized by Ashoka University and Ambedkar University, New Delhi, 3-4th 2018
- July 2017, Participant in Workshop conducted by Ashoka University, New Delhi in collaboration with Centre for Socio-Political Data (CDSP), Sciences Po, Paris on techniques and practices required to build datasets for social science research in India, July 10-14 2017.
- January 2017, Mapping the Discourse from Domination to Deprivation: A Case Study of Jats, presented in Political Economy of Contemporary India at Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, organised and sponsored by the IGIDR, King's College London, and ICSSR, January 9-10, 2017.
- June 2016, Political Regimes and Social Institutions: Understanding Diversity of Capitalism in India, presented in Capability and Diversity in a Global Society, organized by Human Development Capability Association (HDCA) and held in Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, September 1-3, 2016.
- June 2016, Participant in Workshop on Governance and Development in the Age Globalization 2016 organized by Brown International Advanced Research Institutes, Brown University, Rhode Island, USA.
- November 2014, Populism and Party-Society: Developmental Regimes in Tamil Nadu and West Bengal, presented in Political Economy of Contemporary India held in Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai, India,20-21 November 2014.
- November 2014, Participant in Workshop on Internal Migration, Urban Development, Poverty and Inequality in Asia: Sustainable Strategies and Coordinated Policies to Improve Well-Being organized by University of Wollongong and Asian Development Bank,5-7 November 2014, Siem Reap, Cambodia
- December 2013, Discriminations, Disparities and Labour Market: An Empirical Analysis of Tamil Nadu. Presented at 55th Annual Conference, Indian Society of Labour Economics, Jawaharlal Nehru University, 16-18 December 2013
- June 2013, Re-embedding Caste in Economy: Understanding Developmental Outcomes in India.Presented at 1st World Keynes Conference on Attacking the Citadel: Making Economics Fit for Purpose, IUE, Izmir, Turkey, 26-28 June 2013.
English, Tamil, Hindi and Spanish (Basic)
Community Services
Since 2008, I along with a group of friends and like-minded individuals have been helping students from under-privileged caste groups to clear the competitive exams and get them into public funded higher education system. The support we provide is personalized and over the years we have helped a small group of students secure education and jobs in their respective fields.
Available on request