Journals Subscribed
The Institute's library is receiving around 190 Indian and foreign journals. These are received either through subscription or on a complimentary basis. The list of current year journal subscribed is given below:
⟵ Swipe | Swipe ⟶ |
List of Indian Journals Subscribed | List of Foreign Journals Subscribed |
Agricultural Situation In India | American Economic Review (JEL & JEP) |
Alternatives | American Ethnologist |
Annals of Arid Zone | American Journal of Agricultural Economics |
Arthavijnana | American Journal of Sociology |
Biblio | Asian Survey |
Book Review | British Journal of Political Science |
Business India | Brtitish journal of Sociology |
Chemmozhi | Cambridge Journal of Economics |
Contemporary India | Capital & Class |
Contribution to Indian Sociology | Comparative Studies in Society& History |
Dalit Murasu | Critical Asian Studies |
Dalit Voice | Crittique of Anthropology |
Demography India | Current Anthropology |
Down to Earth | Developing Economies |
Eastern Anthropologist | Development and Change |
Economic Affairs | Econometrica |
Economic and Political Weekly | Economic Journal (Incl. Econometrics jl) |
Frontier | Economic Development and Cultural Change |
Frontline | Economica |
Guide to Indian Periodical Literature | Economy and Society |
Health For the Millions | Far Eastern Economic Review |
IASSI Quarterly | Foreign Affairs |
India Quarterly | Guardian Weekly |
India Today | History & Theory |
Indian Economic and Social History Review | History Workshop Journal |
Indian Economic Journal | Human Organization |
Indian Economic Panorama | Journal of Asian Studies |
Indian Economic Review | Journal of Contemporary Asia |
Indian Historical Review | Journal of Development Studies |
Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics | Journal of Industrial Economics |
Indian Journal of Agricultural marketing | Journal of Peasant Studies |
Indian Journal of Gender Studies | Journal of Political Economy |
Indian Journal of Industrial Relations | Journal of Royal Anthropological Institute |
Indian Journal of Labour Economics | Kyklos |
Indian Journal of Public Administration | Modern Asian Studies |
Indian Labour Journal | Monthly Review |
Industrial Economist | National Geographic Magazine |
Journal of Education Planning and Administration | New Left Review |
Journal of Entrepreneurship | Newyork Review of Books |
Journal of Human Values | Oxford Bulletin of Economics & Statistics |
Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research | Oxford Economic Papers |
Journal of Social and Economic Development | Past & Present |
Journal of Tamil Studies | Quarterly Journal of Economics |
Journal of the Indian Anthropological Society | Race & Class |
Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics | Review of Economic Studies |
Kalachuvadu | Review of Economics & Statistics |
Kurushetra | Review of Radical Political Economics |
Labour File | Review of Social Economy |
Madhya Pradesh Journal of Social Sciences | Signs |
Mainstrem | Science and Society |
Man and Development | South Asia |
Man in India | Technology and Culture |
Monthly Abstracts of Statistics | Third World Quarterly |
Margin | |
Nagarlok | |
Naveena Velaanmai | |
New Quest | |
Nilavalam | |
Organiser | |
Paradigm | |
Reserve Bank of India Bulletin | |
Reserve Bank of India Occasional Papers | |
Resources and Energy and Development | |
Review of Development & Change | |
Sankhya | |
Sarvekshana | |
Science, Technology and Society | |
Sedme | |
Seminar | |
Social Action | |
Social Change | |
Social Scientist | |
Social Welfare | |
Sociological Bulletin | |
South Asia Research | |
South Asian Journal | |
Southern Economist | |
Studies in History | |
University News | |
Wastelands News | |
Yojana |