M Suresh Babu
Madras Institute of Development Studies 79, II Main Road, Gandhinagar, Adyar, Chennai 600020Telephone: 0091-44-24412589 24411574 24420204 Fax: +91 - 44 - 24910872
E-mail: sureshbabum@mids.ac.in
Web: http://www.mids.ac.in/msureshbabu/
- 2002, Ph.D. Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Thesis title: Competition, Barriers to Entry and Productivity Growth in Indian Manufacturing Industries.
- 1994, M.Phil Applied Economics, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Thesis title: Role of Industrial Sector in Indian Inflation.
- 1992, M.S. Development Economics, Pondicherry Central University, University Second Rank.
- 1990, BA Economics, University of Calicut.
Area of Research
- Applied Macroeconomics
- Trade & Industrial Economics
- Development Economics
Teaching and Research Experience
- 2024 - Director, Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai.
- 2018-24, Professor Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai.
- 2012-18, Associate Professor Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai.
- 2011-12, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai.
- 2010-11, Associate Professor, Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore.
- 2006-10, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai.
- 2005-06, Visiting faculty, Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics Pune, India.
- 2001-04, Research Associate, Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum, Kerala, India.
- 2001, Lecturer, Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics Pune, India.
Fellowships / Awards
- 2018, Visiting Professor, University of Lausanne
- 2016, DAAD Visiting Professor, University of Wurzburg
- 2015, Erasmus Mundus, IBIES Fellowship, Reutlingen University
- 2014, DAAD Visiting Professor, University of Wurzburg
- 1995-99, Indian Council of Social Science Research Doctoral Fellowship at Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum
- 1994, UGC-NET for Junior Research Fellowship & Lectureship
Policy Experience
- 2022-23, Advisor to the Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister of India, (April 2022 - March 31 2023)
- 2020, Member High Level Committee (headed by Dr. C. Rangarajan) to advise Government of Tamil Nadu to suggest measures to revive the economy from the COVID-19 crisis
- 2014-18, Member Standing Committee on Industrial Statistics, Central Statistical Organization, Govt. of India.
- 2016-17, Member ASSOCHAM Committee on Tamil Nadu Economy
- 2014, Member CII Committee on Infrastructure in Tamil Nadu
- 2011, Consultant, Tariff Fixation Committee, Bangalore Metro Rail Project
- 2009, Member Special Task Force for setting up and mentoring IIT Hyderabad
- 2008, Consultant for the National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganized Sector.
- 2004, Member WTO Forum on non-agricultural sector, Government of Kerala.
- 2002, Consultant for the Asian Development Bank for identifying "Growth Potentials in Kerala's Industrial Sector"
- 1997, Local Consultant for the World Bank for the preparation of the Country Economic Memorandum.
Books and Monographs
- 2018, Inclusive Education: Models, Methods and Practice, Omega Publishing, (with Thomas Muller and Milind Brahme)
- 2017, Hastening Slowly: India’s Industrial Sector in the Era of Economic Reforms, Orient Blackswan
- 2016, Systematic Review of Quantitative Evidence on the Impact of Microfinance on the Poor in South Asia, EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, UCL Institute of ducation, University College London, London. (with G Arun Kumar and Umakant Dash)
- 2015, Social Return on Investment for Development Projects, Hand in Hand, Chennai, (with G Arun Kumar and Saji Mathew)
- 2010, What and How do Indian Firms Innovate? (with K K Subrahmanian), Macmillan
Journal Papers
- 2023, Premature Deindustrialisation and Income Inequality Dynamics: Evidence from Middle-Income Economies (with R Rekha), Journal of Development Studies, vol. 59(12), pp 1885 1904, December.
- 2023, Does Premature Deindustrialisation Stall Growth? Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa (with R Rekha), Progress in Development Studies, 23(1), pp 65-81.
- 2023, Market Power and the Macroeconomy, Economic and Political Weekly, June 24, 2023.
- 2022, Premature Deindustrialization and Growth Slowdowns in Middle-Income Countries (with R Rekha), Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, September, pp 377-389.
- 2022, Trade Continuity and Global Production Sharing in Emerging Economies: Evidence from Panel Gravity Analysis (with S Vasudevan), The International Trade Journal June 2022.
- 2022, Are the Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment the Same Within the Service Sector? Evidence From Bootstrap Based Bias Corrected Fixed Effects Model (with P Jithin), Journal of Public Affairs, April 2022.
- 2022, Dynamic Relationship Between Fiscal Deficit and Current Account Deficit in India: Multivariate Cointegration and Causality Analysis (with M Sahoo, U Dash), International Journal of Public Policy, pp. 106-125
- 2022, Testing for the Bidirectional Relationship Between FDI in Services and Trade in Services: Evidence from Emerging Economies (with P Jithin), Foreign Trade Review, May 2022.
- 2022, Durable Growth Revival, Economic and Political Weekly, 57, March 2022.
- 2022, Predictors of the Utilization of Continuum of Maternal Health Care Services in India (with S Gandhi, S Gandhi, U Dash), BMC Health Services Research pp. 1-12
- 2022, Horizontal Inequity in the Utilization of Continuum of Maternal Health Care Services (CMHS) In India: An Investigation of Ten Years of National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) (with S Gandhi, U Dash), International Journal for Equity in Health, pp. 1-15
- 2021, Global production sharing and trade effects: an analysis of Eurasian Economic Union (with S Vasudevan), Eurasian Economic Review, pp. 633- 665
- 2021, Trade Effects of Eurasian Economic Union and Global Production Sharing: A Gravity Analysis (with S Vasudevan), International Economic Journal, p. 1-19
- 2021, Level of Inequality and the Role of Governance Indicators in the Coverage of Reproductive Maternal and Child Healthcare Services: Findings from India, (with S Gandhi, T M Maharatha, U Dash) PLoS ONE 16(11).
- 2021, Environment Education in Indian Schools: The Search for a New Language (with C D’Souza and M Brahme) Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, pp.174-189
- 2021, Premature deindustrialization and income inequality in middle-income countries (with R Ravindran) WIDER Working Paper 2021/8
- 2020, Does Foreign Direct Investments in Financial Services Induce Financial Development? Lessons From Emerging Economies (with P Jithin) International Journal of Finance & Economics
- 2020, Testing for the Effectiveness of Inflation Targeting in India: A Factor Augmented Vector Autoregression (FAVAR) Approach (with P Jithin) Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice, pp.163-18
- 2020, Reviving Industrial Growth (with P Jithin), Economic & Political Weekly, 55 (30)
- 2020, Does sub-sectoral FDI matter for trade in emerging economies? Evidence from nonlinear ARDL approach (with P Jithin) The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, pp.1-21
- 2020, A Systematic Review of Demand-Based & Supply-Based Interventions on Continuum of Maternal and Child Healthcare in South Asian Countries, (with Gandhi, Sumirtha & Ramesh, Shruthi & Dash, Umakant), Journal of Public Health
- 2019, Vision for Industrial Growth in Budget 2019–20, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 54, Issue No. 33
- 2019, Asymmetric Effects of Exchange Rate Movements on Traditional and Modern Services Exports: Evidence From a Large Emerging Economy, (With M Sahoo and U Dash), The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 28 (4), pp. 508-53.
- 2017, Does Financial Development Intensify Energy Consumption in Saudi Arabia? Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, (with MK Mahalik, N Loganathan,) pp. 1022-1034
- 2017, Do Exchange Rate Movements Affect India’s Services Exports? Evidence from ARDL Bounds Testing Approach (with M Sahoo, and U Dash) International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology
- 2017, Trade, financial flows and stock market interdependence: evidence from Asian markets (with S Dhanaraj and AK Gopalaswamy,) Empirical Economics Review
- 2016, Long run sustainability of current account balance of China and India: New evidence from combined cointegration test (with M Sahoo, and U Dash), Intellectual Economics.
- 2016, Does inequality hamper long run growth? Evidence from Emerging Economies, (with Vanadana Baskaran and Manansa Venkatesh) Economic Analysis and Policy
- 2016, The Politics of Urban Mega-projects in India: Income Employment Linkages in Chennai’s IT Corridor, (with M Vijayabaskar) Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 51, Issue No. 17
- 2015, Accessing Technology from Global Production Networks: The Case of Joint Ventures in Indian Auto Industry, Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy
- 2014, Price discovery and volatility spillovers in futures and spot commodity markets: Some Indian Evidence, (with Kumar Mahalik Mantu , Acharya Debashis) Journal of Advances in Management Research.
- 2013, Growth and Spread of Manufacturing Productivity Across Regions in India, Springer Plus
- 2013, Dynamic Interdependence between US and Asian Markets: An Empirical study, (with Sowmya D., G. Arun Kumar), Journal of Financial and Economic Policy
- 2012, Assessing Vidyavanam- An Innovative School for Tribal Children, (with Milind Brahme) Learning Curve, Azim Premji University.
- 2011, Trends in Regional Industrial Growth in India, (with Rajesh Raj) Journal of Indian Business Research.
- 2009, Loosing Out in a Growing Economy: Labour in Organised Manufacturing Sector in the era of Globalisation, Indian Journal of Labour Economics, Vol.52
- 2008, Do Industrial Policy Reforms Reduce Entry Barriers? Evidence from Indian Manufacturing Industries, Journal of Economic Policy Reform
- 2008, Are FIIs Drivers of Indian Stock Markets? International Journal of Trade and Global Markets
- 2008, Fiscal Sustainability of Tamil Nadu, Economic and Political Weekly March 15
- 2007, Trends in Savings, Investment and Consumption in Indian Economy, (with Pulapre Balakrishnan) Economic and Political Weekly, May 5
- 2006, Liberalization, Market Power, and Productivity Growth in Indian Industry, 9:1 (with Pulapre Balakrishnan, M. Parameswaran , K. Pushpangadan), The Journal of Policy Reform
- 2005, India’s Recent Economic Growth: Some Limits and Limitations, Economic and Political Weekly, July 22
- 2005, Kerala’s Growth Trajectory, Economic and Political Weekly, July 22
- 2003, Growth and Distribution in Indian Industry in the Nineties, (with Pulapre Balakrishnan) Economic and Political Weekly, Sep.20
- 2002, World Bank-CII Study on Competitiveness: Delimiting the Scope of Reform Agenda, Economic and Political Weekly, June 22
- 2002, Competition and Competitiveness among States, Economic and Political Weekly, March 30
- 2000, Trade Liberalization and Productivity Growth in Manufacturing: Evidence from Firm Level Panel Data, (with Dr.Pulapre Balakrishnan and Dr.K Pushpangadan) Economic and Political Weekly,Oct.7
- 2000, Competition and Competitiveness: Cumulative Causation Imagined? Economic and Political Weekly, January 22-28
News Paper Article
- Op-Eds in Major Indian newspapers: The Hindu, Indian Express, Hindustan Times, The Mint, Business Line, Economic Times and Financial Express
Teaching, Research Guidance & Administration:
- Research Projects: 30 projects completed. Funding agencies include: Asian Development Bank, International Labour Organization, European Union, DFID UK, British High Commission, GIZ Germany, RELMIS Bangkok, Government of India, MHRD Government of India, Government of Tamil Nadu, ICSSR New Delhi, Planning Commission, IIT Madras, Jadavapur University, French Institute, South Asian Network of Economic Research Institutes and Hand in Hand.
- Research Guidance: 16 PhD students, (11 Graduated & 5 Current Registration)
- Teaching: 21 years of teaching experience at the doctoral, postgraduate and undergraduate level. Taught courses in Development Theory and Practice, Principles of Economics, Indian Economic Development, Public Economics, Macroeconomics, Growth and Development and Industrial Economics in various institutions in India and abroad.
- Referee: Journal of Development Studies, Economic Modeling, Journal of Economic Policy Reforms, Energy Economics, The Australian Journal of Agriculture and Resource Economics, and prominent Indian Journals.
- Administrative Activities: Member Senate of IIT Madras and IIT Palakkad, Member Research Advisory Council, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Advisor Weaker Sections, IIT Madras, Member Board of Academic Research IIT Madras, Member Board of Placements, IIT Madras, Member Library Advisory Committee, IIT Madras.
Available on request