Review of Development and Change
Volume 29 Issue 2 December 2024
Data, Development and Democracy: The Political Economy of the Indian Census
Vikas Kumar
Does Social Capital Matter for the Development of Scheduled Tribes in Kerala? An Inter-tribal Analysis
Balakrishnan U, Hari Kurup K. K
Employment Status and Working Conditions: A Situational Analysis of Female Domestic Workers in India
B. S. Sumalatha, Lekha D. Bhat, K. P. Chitra
Understanding Financial Inclusion and Its Socio-economic Determinants: Evidence from India
Binod Kumar Behera
Factors Responsible for Environmental Sustainability in G-20 Nations: A Panel Data Analysis
Prasenjit Ghosh
Beyond Enrolment: How Urban Poverty Affects Educational Experiences
Bhuvaneshwari Subramanian
Book Reviews
Anil Kumar Vaddiraju, Politics, Governance and Philosophy
N Sivanna, Nayakara Veeresha
Sabine Kuhlmann, BenoƮt Paul Dumas and Moritz Heuberger (Eds.), The Capacity of Local Governments in Europe: Autonomy, Responsibilities and Reforms
Vincent Ekow Arkorful
Simon Marginson, Brendan Cantwell, Daria Platonova and Anna Smolentseva (Eds.), Assessing the Contributions of Higher Education: Knowledge for a Disordered World
Jandhyala B. G. Tilak
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