L Venkatachalam
Professor (RBI Chair)
Madras Institute of Development Studies 79, II Main Road, Gandhinagar, Adyar, Chennai 600020Telephone: 0091-44-24412589 24411574 24420204 24419771; Extn: 328; Fax: 0091 - 44 - 24910872
Mobile: 9940378763; 7358546655
E-mail: venkatmids@gmail.com / venkat@mids.ac.in
Web: http://www.mids.ac.in/venkatachalam/
- Ph.D in Economics from University of Madras (through Madras Institute of Development Studies) Chennai (2002).
- M.Phil in Economics from Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu, India (1992).
- M.A. in Economics from Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu, India (1990).
Work Experience
- RBI Chair Professor, Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai from 28th February 2018 onwards.
- Professor, Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai, from 31st August 2015 to 27th February 2018.
- Associate Professor of Economics at Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai, from 1 December, 2006 till 30th August, 2015.
- Assistant Professor of Economics at Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore, from 29 August, 2002 till 30 November, 2006.
- Consultant-Environmental Economist on the World Bank Assisted Water Resources Consolidation Project at the Water Resources Organisation, Public Works Dept. Government of Tamil Nadu from 1st August, 2001 to 28th August, 2002.
- Research Associate at Madras School of Economics, Chennai from 1 December, 2000 to 31 July, 2001.
- Consultant Environmental Economist for the Environmental Economics Component of the World Bank Aided India: Environmental Management Capacity Building Technical Assistance Project in the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, New Delhi from 24 June, 1998 to July 27, 2000.
Areas of Research and Teaching
- Environmental Economics
- Behavioral Economics
- Economic Theory
Academic Awards/Scholarships/Fellowships
- ICSSR-NWO Visiting Fellow, Environmental Economics and Natural Resources Group, Wageningen University, the Netherlands, April 2013 -May, 2013
- Fulbright-Nehru Senior Research Fellow, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California at Berkeley, United States of America, September 2009 -April, 2010.
- Visiting Fellow, Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'homme (FMSH), Paris, France, Indo-France Cultural Exchange Programme, September- October, 2007.
- Japanese Award for Outstanding Research on Development, Eighth Annual Global Development Network Conference, Beijing, China, January, 2007
- Visiting Fellow, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, Indo-Canadian Studies Faculty Research Programme, June - July, 2006.
- Visiting Fellow, Cornell University, Ithaca, United States of America, March - April, 2004;
- Visiting Fellow, Overseas Development Group, University of East Anglia, United Kingdom, October 1997;
- Young Scientist Fellowship, World Water Week, Stockholm, Sweden, August, 1996.
- Reserve Bank of India Doctoral Fellowship: 1992-1996;
- The 42nd All India Economics Conference Prize for outstanding performance in the subject of economic growth in M. A. Economics;
- Thiru S. R. N. Badri Rao Endowment Prize for outstanding performance in M. A. Economics;
- The Sir. J. Simson Prize for outstanding performance in M. A. Economics;
- The Sir. Nataraja Gold Medal for outstanding performance in M. A. Economics.
Visiting Faculty Positions
- Visiting Faculty, Indian Institute of Management, Amritsar, February, 2017 onwards
- Visiting Faculty, Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode, from January 2014 onwards
- Visiting Faculty, Madras School of Economics, Chennai, from September 2007 onwards
- Visiting Faculty, Department of Economics, Jamia Millia Islamia University,New Delhi, September, 2016.
- Visiting Faculty, Department of Economics, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur, from March 2014 onwards
- Visiting Faculty, Department of Economics, University of Madras, Chennai, March, 2014.
- Visiting Faculty, Indian Maritime University, Chennai, September 2013 -December 2013.
- Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) Chair Professor, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan, 15 September 2012 - 10 January, 2013.
- Visiting faculty, Department of Engineering Design, IIT, Chennai, September -November, 2011.
- Visiting Faculty, Centre for Water Resources, Anna University, Chennai, October 2008.
- Visiting Faculty, Department of Environmental Sciences, Bangalore University, Bangalore, during 2003 -2006.
- S. Janakarajan, L. Venkatachalam and R. Maria Saleth (Eds.) (2015) Indian Economy in Transition: Emerging Issues and Challenges-Essays in Honour of C.T. Kurien, Sage Publications, New Delhi.
- L. Venkatachalam (Ed.) (2007). Environment, Sustainable Development and Human Well-Being, MIDS Publication, Chennai.
Journal Articles
- Jafar, K, Kripa Ananthpur and L. Venkatachalam (2023). ‘Digital divide and access to online education: New Evidence from Tamil Nadu, India’, Journal of Social and Economic Development (forthcoming)
- Begum, Zreena I., L. Venkatachalam and S. Jayakumar (2020). ‘Ecological Health Assessment of the Ousteri Wetland in India through Synthesizing Remote Sensing and Inventory Data’, Lakes and Reservoirs, 25(1): 84–92.
- Kumar, Lalit., Manjula Menon, Ramachandra Bhatta, L Venkatachalam, D Suresh Kumar, P Indira Devi, Pranab (2019). ‘Doubling India’s Farm Incomes Paying Farmers for Ecosystem Services, Not Just Crops’, Economic and Political Weekly, LIV (23): 43 – 49.
- Manjula, Menon, L.Venkatachalam, Pranab Mukhopadhyay and Lalit Kumar (2019). ‘Ecosystem Approaches for Revitalizing Agriculture in India’, Current Science, 116(5):1– 5.
- Venkatachalam, L and Kulbhushan Balooni (2018). ‘Payment for Ecosystem Services to Sustain Kudimaramathu in Tamil Nadu’, Economic and Political Weekly, LIII (6): 21–23
- Venkatachalam, L and Kulbhushan Balooni (2017). 'Water Transfer from Irrigation Tanks for Urban Use: Can Payment for Ecosystem Services Produce Efficient Outcomes? International Journal of Water Resources Management, forthcoming.
- Indira Devi, P., Lalit Kumar, D. Suresh Kumar, Manjula M, Pranab Mukhopadhyay, P. Raghu, Devinder Sharma, R. Sridhar and L. Venkatachalam (2017). 'Payment for Ecosystem Services: Guaranteed Farm Income and Sustainable Agriculture', Economic and Political Weekly, 72 (17):12 -14.
- Venkatachalam, L (2017). 'Emerging Environmental Issues and Sustainable Development: An Overview', Review of Development and Change, 21 (2): 1-4.
- Venkatachalam, L and Jayanthi M (2016). 'Economic Valuation of Wetland Ecosystem Services: A Contingent Valuation Approach', Review of Development and Change, 21 (1): 89 - 110.
- Balooni, K and L. Venkatachalam (2016). 'Managing Water for Sustainable Development: An Indian Perspective', Society and Management Review, 5 (1): vii-xiii.
- Bahinipati, C. S. and L. Venkatachalam (2016). 'Role of Climate Risks and Socio-Economic Factors in Influencing the Impact of Climatic Extremes: A Normalisation Study in the Context of Odisha, India,' Regional Environmental Change, 16 (1): 177 - 188.
- Bhide, Shashanka, L. Venkatachalam and M. Vijayabaskar (2015). 'Promises and Challenges in India's Manufacturing Sector: An Overview', Review of Development and Change, 20 (2): 3 -14.
- Venkatachalam, L (2015). 'Environmental Implications of the Manufacturing Sector: A Case Study of Textile Manufacturing in Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu, India', Review of Development and Change, 20 (2): 165 - 175.
- Bahinipati, C, S and L. Venkatachalam (2015). 'What Drives Farmers to Adopt Farm-level Adaptation Practices to Climate Extremes: Empirical Evidence from Odisha, India', International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 14 (4): 347 - 356.
- Biswas, Durba and L. Venkatachalam (2015). 'Farmers' Willingness to Pay for improved irrigation water-A case study of Malaprabha Irrigation Project in Karnataka, India,' Water Economics and Policy, 1 (1): 1450004-1 - 1450004-24.
- Venkatachalam, L (2015). 'Informal Water Markets and Willingness to Pay for Water: A Case Study of Urban Poor in Chennai City, India', International Journal of Water Resources Development, 31 (1): 134 - 145.
- Kumar, Dinesh M., Nitin Bassi, M V K Sivamohan and L. Venkatachalam (2013). 'Agriculture in West Bengal: Can the New Policies Trigger a Second Green Revolution?' Review of Development and Change, 18 (1): 37-51.
- Venkatachalam, L and A. Narayanamoorthy (2012). 'Estimating Economic Value of Irrigation Water Through Contingent Valuation Method: Results from Bhavani River Basin, Tamil Nadu', Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 67 (3): 308 - 315.
- Venkatachalam, L (2011). The 'Hidden Failure of 'Successful Institutions': The Case of Community Management of Common Pool Resources (CPRs)', Economic and Political Weekly, 46 (31): 103 -107.
- Venkatachalam, L (2008). Role of Information on Water Quality in Influencing Household Behavior: A Case Study in a Peri-urban Context, Journal of Urban Policy, 3 (2): 7 -15.
- Venkatachalam, L (2008). Behavioral Economics for Environmental Policy, Ecological Economics, 67 (4): 640 - 645.
- Venkatachalam, L (2008). Theories of Failure, Failure of Theories and Non-Market Valuation: A Survey, International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics, 11 (S08): 114 - 133.
- Venkatachalam, L (2007) Environmental Economics and Ecological Economics: Where They Can Converge? Ecological Economics (Elsevier), 61(2-3): 550 -558
- Venkatachalam, L (2006) Public-Private Partnership (PPP) in Urban Water Supply Sector: Some Issues, Journal of Urban Policy, 1 (2): 7-15.
- Venkatachalam, L (2006). Factors Influencing Household Willingness to Pay (WTP) for Drinking Water in Peri-Urban Areas: A Case Study in the Indian Context, Water Policy, 8 (5): 461 - 473.
- Venkatachalam, L (2005). Damage Assessment and Compensation to Farmers: Lessons from Verdict of Loss of Ecology Authority in Tamil Nadu, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. XL (15): 1556 - 1560.
- Venkatachalam, L (2004). Sources of Government Failure and the Environmental Externality: Analysis of Groundwater Pollution in Tamil Nadu, India, Water Policy, 6 (5), October, pp: 413 - 426.
- Venkatachalam, L. (2004). The Contingent Valuation Method: A Review, Environmental Impact Assessment Review (Elsevier), 24(1): 89 - 124.
- Venkatachalam, L. (2003). Designing Contingent Valuation (CV) Surveys for Estimating Use Values: Some Experience from a Case Study of a Water Supply Project, Journal of Social and Economic Development, 5 (2): 267 - 284.
Chapters in Edited Books
- Venkatachalam, L (2022). ‘Reforms in the Agriculture Sector in the Post–COVID-19 Era’, In: P. G. Babu (Ed.). Economic Policy in COVID-19 Times, Orient BlackSwan, Hyderabad, PP: 55 – 65.
- Durarasu P and L. Venkatachalam (2022). ‘Environmental Reforms in Tamil Nadu after COVID-19’, In: P. G. Babu (Ed.). Economic Policy in COVID-19 Times, Orient BlackSwan, Hyderabad, PP: 97 – 113.
- Venkatachalalm, L and M. Vijayabaskar (2017). ‘State Profile’ In: Tamil Nadu Human Development Report 2017, Government of Tamil Nadu and Academic Foundation, New Delhi.
- Biswas, D and L. Venkatachalam (2016). Economic Analysis of Irrigation Institutions: A Case Study, In: K R Shanmugam and K S Kavi Kumar (Eds.). Environment and Development: Essays in Honour of Dr. U. Sankar, SAGE Publisher, New Delhi, pp: 267 -291.
- S. Janakarajan, L. Venkatachalam and R. Maria Saleth (2015). 'Indian Economy in Transition: Context and Overview of Issues', In: S. Janakarajan, L. Venkatachalam and R. Maria Saleth (Eds.) Indian Economy in Transition: Emerging Issues and Challenges-Essays in Honour of C.T.Kurien, Sage Publications, New Delhi, pp: 1 -17.
- Venkatachalam, L. (2015). 'Market-Based Institutional Reforms for Water Allocation in India: Issues and the Way Forward' In: S. Janakarajan, L. Venkatachalam and R. Maria Saleth (Eds.) Indian Economy in Transition: Emerging Issues and Challenges-Essays in Honour of C.T.Kurien, Sage Publications, New Delhi, pp: 259 -275.
- Nambi, A.A., R. Rengalakshmi, M. Madhavan and L. Venkatachalam. (2014). 'Building Urban Resilience: Assessing Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture in Chennai, India'. In: Padgham, J. and J. Jabbour (eds.). United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Nairobi, Kenya. (http://www.start.org/upa/chennai.pdf).
- Kumar, Dinesh M., Nitin Bassi, MVK Sivamohan and L. Venkatachalam (2013). 'Breaking the Agrarian Impasse in the Eastern India' In: Dinesh Kumar, Nitin Bassi, A. Narayanamoorthy and M V K Sivamohan (Eds.). The Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus: Lessons from India for Development, Routledge, London, pp: 143 - 159.
- Venkatachalam, L (2013). 'Water Issues and Sustainability: Addressing Current Vulnerability for Minimising Future Risks', In: D. Janagam, S. Rajendran, A. Saravana Durai, A. Sugirtha Rani and V. Vaithianathan (Eds.). 'Environmental Challenges of 21st Century, Periyar University Press, Salem, pp: 66 - 76.
- Saleth, Maria R. and L. Venkatachalam (2012) 'Issues in Development Studies: An Overview' In: Maria R. Saleth (Ed.). From Individual to Community: Issues in Development Studies -Essays in Memory of Malcolm Adiseshiah, Sage Publications, New Delhi, pp: 1-21.
- Venkatachalam, L. (2012). 'Economics of 'Not' Controlling Pollution: A Case Study of Industrial Pollution in Noyyal River Basin, Tamil Nadu, India,' In: Sacchidananda Mukherjee and Debashis Chakraborty (Eds.). Environmental Scenario in India: Successes and Predicaments, Routledge, London.
- Yves Saillard and Venkatachalam, L (2010). 'Defining Public Policies Concerning Access to Drinking Water', In: Yves Saillard and G. S. Sastry (Eds.). Access to Water in Urban Areas: Experiences in India and France, Hermes Academic Publishing, Oslo (Translated in French)
- Venkatachalam, L with S. Vanathy (2010). Access to Drinking Water in Chennai: An Analysis of Institutional Failure', In: Yves Saillard and G. S. Sastry (Eds.) Access to Water in Urban Areas: Experiences in India and France, Hermes Academic Publishing, Oslo (Translated in French)
- Venkatachalam, L (with K. V. Raju) (2006). Water Resources Development and Irrigation Infrastructure in Karnataka, in Karnataka Development Report, The Academic Foundation, New Delhi.
- Sharad Lele and Venkatachalam, L (2006). Assessing the Socio-Economic Impact of Changes in Forest Cover on Watershed Services. In: Jagdish Krishnasamy, Sharachchandra Lele, and R. Jayakumar (Eds.) Hydrology & Watershed Services of the Western Ghats (India): Effects of Land Use and Land Cover Change, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishers, New Delhi.
- Venkatachalam, L (2005). Demand-Side versus Supply-Side Approach: The Case for Sustainable Management of Water Supply in Developing Countries − A Case Study, In: Chenoweth J and Bird, J (Eds.) Business of Water Supply and Sustainable Development, Green Management International Publisher, Sheffield, UK, pp. 238 - 250.
- R.S. Deshpande, Venkatachalam, L. and Narayanamoorthy, A (2004). Policies for Access, Equity and Equality: Physical Resources and Human Resources. In: Sundaram, K. V., Moni, M and Jha M. M (Eds.) Natural Resource Management and Livelihood Security: Survival Strategies and Sustainable Policies, Concept Publishers, New Delhi, pp: 401 - 447.
As Working Papers/Dissemination Papers
- Ananthpur, Kripa., Jafar K, Gargi Sridharan and L. Venkatachalam (2022). Impact of the COVID-19 Waves on Tamil Nadu’s Economy and ociety, MIDS Working Paper No. 241 Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai.
- Durairasu, P and L. Venkatachalam (2020). Environmental Reforms in Tamil Nadu After Covid-19, MIDS Occasional Policy Paper 17, Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai
- Venkatachalam, L (2020). Reforms in the Agriculture Sector during Post-COVID -19 Era, MIDS Occasional Paper No. 2, Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai
- Zareena Begum Irfan, Venkatachalam. L, Jayakumar S and Satarupa Rakshit (2017). Examining the Land Use Change of the Ousteri Wetland using the Land Use Dynamic Degree Model, MSE Working Paper No. 156/2017.
- Zareena Begum Irfan, Venkatachalam. L, Jayakumar S and Satarupa Rakshit (2017). Evaluation Index System (EIS) for the Ecological Economic- Social Performances of Ousteri Wetland across Puducherry and Tamil Nadu, MSE Working Paper No. 155/2017.
- Venkatachalam, L and Jayanthi, M (2015). 'Estimating the Economic Value of Ecosystem Services of Pallikaranai Marsh in Chennai City: A Contingent Valuation Approach', MIDS Working Paper No. 220, Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai.
- Arivudai Nambi, A., R. Rengalakshmi, M. Madhavan and L. Venkatachalam (2014). 'Building Urban Resilience: Assessing Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture in Chennai, India', United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Nairobi, Kenya. (available at:www.start.org/upa/chennai.pdf)
- Venkatachalam, L (2014). 'Water Acquisition for Urban Use from Irrigation Tanks: Can Payment for Ecosystem Services Produce Win-Win Outcome? MIDS Working Paper No. 217, Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai.
- Venkatachalam L (2014). 'Behavioral Economics and the Environment', Dissemination Paper No. 30, Madras School of Economics, Chennai.
- Bahinipati, Chandra Sekhar and L. Venkatachalam (2013). 'Determinants of Farm-Level Adaptation Practices to Climate Extremes: A Case Study from Odisha, India', GIDR Working Paper No. 219, Gujarat Institute of Development Research (GIDR), Ahmedabad.
- Kavi Kumar K S., Kamal Karuna Goda, Enamul Haque , L. Venkatachalam and Girish Nath Bahal (2013). ''Addressing Long-term Challenges to Food Security and Rural Livelihoods in South Asia', Working Paper No. 66, Global Development Network, New Delhi.
- Kumar, M. Dinesh., Nitin Bassi, L. Venkatachalam, M.V.K. Sivamohan and V. Niranjan (2012). 'Capacity Building in Water Resources Sector of India, Occasional Paper No. 5-0112, Institute for Resource Analysis and Policy, Hyderabad.
- Venkatachalam L (2012). 'Role of Informal Water Markets in Urban Water Supply: A Household Survey Based Case Study of Chennai City', IWP Working Paper, Institute for Water Policy, National University of Singapore.
- Venkatachalam, L. (2011). 'Tradable Water Rights and Pareto Optimal Water Allocation in Agriculture: Results from a Field Experiment in Bhavani Basin, Tamil Nadu', MIDS Working Paper No. 214, MIDS, Chennai.
- Durba Biswas and L Venkatachalam (2010). 'Institutions and Their Interactions: An Economic Analysis of Irrigation Institutions in the Malaprabha Dam Project Area, Karnataka, India', ISEC Working Paper, 250, ISEC, Bangalore.
- Venkatachalam, L. (2003). Factors Influencing Willingness to Pay for Water: A Case Study, ISEC Working Paper No. 123, Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore.
- Venkatachalam, L (2003). Theories of Failure, Failure of Theories and Non-Market Valuation: A Survey, ISEC Working Paper No. 122, Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore.
- Venkatachalam L (1995). 'Natural Resource Accounting (NRA) for Sustainable Development: A Survey', MIDS Working Paper No.130, Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai.
Papers Presented in Seminars/Conferences/Workshops
- Nudging the Farmers towards Adopting Micro Irrigation, International Seminar on Micro Irrigation in India: Economic, Impact and Potential, Department of Economics and Rural Development, Alagappa University, Karaikkudi, 30th January 2020
- Environmental Accounting and Ecosystem Valuation for Sustainable Water Management, International Conference on Sustainable Management of Water Resources in India, Department of Economics, Annamalai Nagar, 22nd February 2019
- Environmental Inclusive Growth: Role of Economic Valuation of Natural Capital and Ecosystem Services, International Conference on Financial Inclusion, Inclusive Growth and Social Development, Department of Economics, Kannur University, Thalaserry, Kannur, 6th February 2019
- Methodological Issues in Non-Market Valuation of Ecosystem Services, International Conference on Ecology, Economy and Society, Inter University Center for Alternative Economics (IUCAE), Department of Economics, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, 17th August 2018
- Doubling Farmers’ Income: Role of Payment for Agro-Ecosystem Services, 3rd International Dialogue of Himalayan Ecology, Dialogue Highway, Chandigarh, Haryana, 15th June 2018
- Environmental Policy and Sustainable Development in India, National Seminar on Environmental Concerns and Sustainable Industrial Growth: Prospects and Challenges, Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi, 25th March, 2017.
- Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Services for Sustainable Environmental Management: A Case Study of Wetland Ecosystem Valuation,Conference on Papers in Public Economics and Policy, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP), New Delhi, 23rd and 24th March, 2017.
- Environmental Impact and Socio-Economic Inequality, ICSSR-NOW Joint Seminar on Comparative Perspectives on Growing Socio-Economic Inequalities in India and Europe, ICSSR, New Delhi and NWO, the Netherlands, Bengaluru, 8th and 9th February, 2017.
- 'Ecosystem Services', International Conference on Future of India's Services Growth: Potential and Constraints, Madras Institute of Development Studies (MIDS), Chennai and British Northern Universities India Forum (BNUIF), UK, 3rd and 4th January, 2017.
- 'Impact of Wetland Conservation on the Livelihoods: A Case Study of Ousteri Wetland in Puducherry region, India', World Water Week,Stockholm, Sweden, 30th August, 2016.
- 'Environment as Infrastructure: A Case Study of Pallikaranai Marshland, Chennai, India', Conference on Infrastructure Governance, British Academy Research Programme - University of Bradford and IIT Madras, Chennai, 25th and 26th March, 2016.
- 'Environmental Implications of Manufacturing Sector: A Case Study of Textile Manufacturing in Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu, India' International Conference on Achieving Accelerated Manufacturing Growth: The Promise and Challenges, MIDS-BNUIF, Chennai, 2nd and 3rd January, 2015.
- 'Economic Valuation of Environmental Services from Evergreen Projects in Africa region: A Framework,' Workshop on Strengthening Rural Institutions (SRI) for Evergreen Project in Africa, World Agroforestry Centre, Nairobi, Kenya, 13th -16th August, 2013;
- 'Estimating the Economic Value of Irrigation Water Through Contingent Valuation Method: A Case Study,' Environmental Economics and Natural Resources Group, Wageningen University, Wageningen, the Netherlands, 28th May, 2013;
- 'Efficient Allocation of Irrigation Water: A Field Experiment in the Indian Context', The Alfred-Weber-Institute, Heidelberg University Heidelberg, Germany, 21st May, 2013.
- 'Innovative Institutions for Efficient Water Management Institute of Natural Resource Management,' National Taipei University, Taipei, Taiwan, 5 December, 2012.
- 'Estimating the Hicksian Equivalent and Compensating Variations: Results from a Field Experiment,' Department of Economics, National Chengchi University Taipei, Taiwan, 16 October, 2012
- 'An Assessment of the Effects of Climate Change on Peri-Urban Agriculture: The Case of Chennai City, India', Peri-Urban Agriculture and Climate Change in Asia and Africa Regions, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, July 24 - 27, 2012.
- 'Food Security System and Climate Change: A Case Study of Peri-Urban Agriculture in Chennai Region', Peri-Urban Agriculture and Climate Change in Asia and Africa Regions SRART, Washington D C and UNEP, Nairobi, Kenya, October 25 -27 2011.
- 'Climate Change Vulnerability and Food Security in Urban Areas', Presented at a Seminar organised by the International START Secretariat, Washington supported by IPCC, UNEP and WMO, Kathmandu, Nepal, April 18-19, 2011.
- 'Economic Institutions and Sustainable Development: the Case of Urban Water Sector in Developing Countries', Paper presented at James E. Smith Midwest Conference on World Affairs University of Nebraska, Kearney, USA, 8 March, 2010.
- Inefficient Water Markets: the Behavioral Issues, paper presented at Department Seminar, Department of Agriculture and Resource Economics, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, California, USA, 24 March 2010
- 'Public Private Partnership in Urban Water Sector in Developing Countries,' Laboratory for Economics of Production and International Integration (LEPII),University Pierre Mendes France, Grenoble, France, 5 October, 2007.
- 'Urban Water Sector Reforms and Poverty Reduction: In Search of Appropriate Institutions - A Case Study of Bangalore City,' India, Paper presented at the Eighth Annual Global Development Conference on Shaping a New Global Reality: The Rise of Asia and its Implications, Beijing,12 - 19 January, 2007.
- 'Behavioral Economics for Environmental Policy', Paper presented at the Ninth Biennial Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics on Ecological Sustainability and Human Well-being', New Delhi during December 16 - 18, 2006.
- 'Population-Poverty-Environmental Nexus: An Empirical Investigation in the Indian Context,' Paper presented at XXX IUSSP Conference at Tours, France, 18 -23 July, 2005.
- 'Appropriate Institutions for Managing Urban Water Supply: Developing Country Perspectives,' Paper presented at the 14th Stockholm Water Symposium, Stockholm, 15 -21 August, 2004;
- 'Economic Valuation of Watershed Services of Commons: Marginal Opportunity Cost Approach within the Environmental Accounting Framework,'Paper at the 10th Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of Common Property (IASCP) Oaxaca, Maxico, 9 - 13 August 2004. www.iascp2004.org.mx/downloads/paper_267.pdf.
- 'Integrated River-basin Scale Hydrological-Economic Modelling: A Case Study of Peninsular River in India,' Presented at the 8th Research and Training Workshop, Organised by South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 13 -16 June, 2004 (co-authored).
- 'Reasons for Economic Valuation of Environmental Resources in Developing Countries,' Paper presented at the Overseas Development Group, University of East Anglia, Norwich, U.K. October, 1997;
- 'Economic Valuation of Water Used in the Household Sector: A Case Study of a Water Supply Project in a Suburban Town of Coimbatore City, Tamil Nadu, India,' Paper presented at Stockholm Water Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden, August 4 -9, 1996.
Ph.D Guidance
- Dr. Durba Biswas, Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC), Bangalore: Topic - Economic Valuation of Irrigation Water Using Contingent Valuation Method (Degree Awarded in 2012).
- Dr Chandra Sekhar Bahinipati, Madras Institute of Development Studies (MIDS), Topic: Assessment of Vulnerability and Farm Households' Adaptive Behavior to Extreme Climatic Events' (Degree Awarded in April, 2015)
- Mr. V. Suresh. Topic: Economics of Decentralised Provision of Public Goods
- Mr. S. Balamurugan. Topic: Economic Instruments for Environmental Protection: Payment for Ecosystem Services and Irrigation Tank Management
- Mr. Somasekhar. Topic: Cost of Illness in Relation to Neck and Head Cancer.
- Ms. Anjaly Baby. Topic: Savings Behavior of the Poor
- Mr. Muhammad Shafeeque AP. Topic: Measurement of Transaction Costs in Agriculture
- Ms. Pema C. Bhutia. Topic: Estimating the Recreational Benefits of Ecotourism through Travel Cost Method
Research Projects Completed
- Tamil Nadu Household Panel Survey (TNHPS), Sponsored by the Government of Tamil Nadu (With Kripa Ananthpur and K Jafar) (Ongoing).
- Tamil Nadu COVID Pulse Survey (TNCPS), Sponsored by the Government of Tamil Nadu (With Kripa Ananthpur and K Jafar) (Completed May 2022).
- Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Services of 80 Prioritised Wetlands in Tamil Nadu, Sponsored by the TN State Wetland Authority and State Planning Commission, Government of Tamil Nadu (Completed, January 2022).
- Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Services: A Case Study of Oussudu Wetland in Puducherry, Sponsored by GIZ-MoEF, New Delhi (Completed, July 2015).
- Economic Valuation of Wetland Ecosystem Services: A Case Study of Pallikaranai Marsh in Chennai City, Sponsored by the State Planning Commission, Government of Tamil Nadu (Completed, February, 2015).
- Tamil Nadu State Finances, Fourteenth Finance Comission, New Delhi (With K R Shanmugam and Ganesh Prasad) Completed in October, 2014.
- Options for Diversification from Tobacco Farming, Bidi Rolling and Tendu Leaf Plucking in India, IDRC, Cananda through CMDR, Dharwad, Completed in 2014 (Rs. 2.5 lakhs)
- Role of Informal Water Markets in Urban Water Supply: A Household Survey Based Case Study of Chennai City, Sponsored by the Institute for Water Policy, National University of Singapore, Singapore (2011).
- Irrigation and Water Management in India, sponsored by the Indian Council for Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi, 2010.
- Market-based Institutions for Water Allocation in Bhavani River Basin, Tamil Nadu, India, Sponsored by the International Water Management Institute, Colombo, 2009.
- Institutions for Urban Water Supply and Poverty Alleviation: A Case Study in Bangalore City, Sponsored by the Global Development Network (GDN), 2008
- Human Development, Environment and Poverty Nexus in India (Prof. Gopal K. Kadekodi and L. Venkatachalam). This project was sponsored by UNDP, New Delhi -started in 2004 and completed in 2005.
- Investment Subsidy to 'Tourism Industry' in Karnataka: An Evaluation (L. Venkatachalam). This project was sponsored by Department of Tourism, Government of Karnataka, started in 2004 and completed in 2005.
- Infrastructure and Agricultural Development in Karnataka State (L. Venkatachalam). This project was sponsored by Government of Karnataka,started in 2002 and completed in 2003;
- Reforms in Urban Water Supply Sector in Developing Countries: A Critique of Existing and Alternative Approaches (ISEC sponsored Study), started in 2005 and completed in 2006.
Available on request