2nd MIDS Doctoral Colloquium on
Economics and Development Studies,
11-13 November 2024
Madras Institute of Development Studies (MIDS) Chennai.
About MIDS
The Madras Institute of Development Studies (MIDS) is the oldest and premier social science institution in Tamil Nadu involved in research, teaching, and training on development issues from a multidisciplinary perspective. Founded in 1971 by Malcolm S. Adiseshiah, MIDS was reconstituted as a National Institute in 1977. Since then, it has been funded jointly by the Government of India (GOI) through the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) and the Government of Tamil Nadu (GOTN). MIDS has made remarkable contributions to development policy and programme evaluation in the state of Tamil Nadu in particular and India in general. The Institute's Ph.D. programme, affiliated with the University of Madras, is indispensable in promoting social science teaching and training. The key objectives of the institute articulated at the time of its establishment revolve around conducting interdisciplinary research and educational activities to promote social sciences and furthering development. An underlying focus of activities is also the country's southern region and, more particularly, the state of Tamil Nadu, with a special emphasis on 'weaker sections'. MIDS recently concluded its Golden Jubilee celebrations and its journey as a social science research institution with a series of academic and policy events used as an occasion to revisit its vision to emerge as a leading centre of learning and research on social and economic development.
Doctoral Colloquium on Economics and Development Studies.
The first Doctoral Colloquium on Economics and Development Studies was organised in August 2023 as part of the MIDS Golden Jubilee celebrations with active participation from young scholars working on different aspects of development from leading educational institutions across the country. The Colloquium provides an opportunity for doctoral students in their advanced stage to present their research to senior scholars in the field, obtain valuable inputs, exchange their ideas among peers and contribute to the larger discussion in their respective fields. Graduate students in India often face challenges in developing their ideas into publishable manuscripts and it is especially so if they are involved in interdisciplinary research. Lack of adequate support, guidance, and access to resources, often faced by scholars outside premier institutions and cities, make doctoral research more challenging. Many graduate students do not get adequate training to develop their skills required for academic writing and publishing. The existing curriculum and academic practices do not emphasise on the ethical dimensions of research and academic publication.
The colloquium will focus on some of these challenges and provide an opportunity for students to present their research, facilitate critical discussion and feedback, encourage interdisciplinary exchange and networking, and for their professional development. It aims to provide a forum to fill some of these gaps. It provides a platform for Ph.D. scholars from research departments and cetres with given disciplinary focus present their work, receive scholarly feedback from faculty and peers outside their own disciplines and institutions while also collectively reflect on various dimensions of research.
MIDS invites applications from scholars engaged in interdisciplinary and cross-cutting research on development, exploring the economic, social, and political aspects of development and policymaking in the country. Doctoral students in these fields face unique challenges and complex situations including designing the projects, collecting, processing and interpreting the data from multiple sources and applying relevant methods.
This second edition of Colloquium will be held across three days consisting of two invited lectures and eight technical sessions focusing on themes from economics and development studies where participants present their work. Each session will include 4-5 presentations by doctoral students followed by detailed responses from senior scholars in the field and open interactions. The participants will receive critical feedback on their research, gain a deeper understanding on interdisciplinary nature of economics and development studies, network with other scholars and potential collaborators, and reflect on new developments in the field.
The interdisciplinary nature of the colloquium will foster dialogue among scholars from different fields, contributing to a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities of development worldwide.
Focus Areas
Applications are invited from broad areas of economics and development studies. Thematic focus includes, but not limited to, macro economy, trade and finance, growth and development, agriculture and food security, industry, employment and livelihoods, migration, gender, governance, environment, ecology, urban studies, public policy, education, health, and other development issues looked from economics, sociology, political science, history and anthropology perspectives.
Requirements and Selection Criteria
Online Registration: Applications can be submitted through the given link. Click here and submit application
Travel and Accommodation: Selected participants will receive partial support for travelling (Sleeper class train ticket) and shared accommodation for three days.
Best Doctoral Paper/Presentation Award: Prizes will be awarded for THREE BEST PAPERS presented at the Colloquium based on the feedback on presentation and paper from an expert review committee.
Important Dates:
Enquiries: For any enquiries related to the event, please write to the workshop coordinators:
Dr. K. Jafar (jafar@mids.ac.in)
Dr. K. Hafsal (hafsal@mids.ac.in)
Dr. M Umanath (umanath@mids.ac.in)